Leslie Clohan (friend)

Nadine was an amazing woman and such a huge part of my young childhood memories. Nadine was really a second mom to me from a very young age through my adolescence. Rebecca and I were such good friends and spent as many days as we could together. Nadine always made me feel like a very special part of the family. When I was too young to go skiing with my family, I would stay with the Oliver’s and enjoy my time there. Once when Rebecca and I were attacked by wasps at school, I’m not sure why my mom couldn’t be reached, but Nadine brought me to her home to care for me until my mom could get there. I remember family outings with Nadine and my mother to Shoup Park, afternoons at the Oliver home for play dates, Halloween nights trick or treating together, vacations at our shared family beach house, swimming lessons, dance lessons and recitals, the list goes on and on. Most of all I remember the love I always felt from Nadine. She truly made this world a better place.